Nov 212009

What was so extraordinary about this God of mine? The waves of love I felt from him when I sought out his company. The vastness, the hole, the void of emptiness and isolation that he filled immediately. I became surrounded with a peace and sense of serenity that I had never experienced or felt in [...]

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Who is God to me?

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Nov 142009

November 14, 2009 It is said in the Big Book that God is either nothing or everything. When I first started in AA and visiting the rooms, I would glance and briefly read the steps and walk by and look at the literature that was out on the tables. As the fog lifted and I [...]

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Oct 032009

I’m in my seventh year of making the commitment to myself to live my life without self-medication. I have been alcohol, drug free now since April 22, 2002. It sometimes feels so far in the distance but yet so painfully close that I continually ask: what happened? Staying Sober has been a means of recapturing [...]